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💠Leak💠 zAuctionHouseV3

  • Author Kritzz
  • Creation date
  • You have reached your maxium allowed downloads limit.
Fix bug with old version of minecraft
Added cache for placeholder (only for REDIS repository)
Changed economy API
  • Fixed loading of some messages
  • Fixed syntax error message
  • Fixed placeholders
  • Added enableHeadDatabaseVerification option. Wait for the HeadDatabase plugin to load
  • Create new inventory, Sell Confirm. In this inventory you can choose the economy you want before selling. If you only have one economy you can use this inventory as a confirmation inventory.
  • Change better price reduction configuration. Using the system on zDrawer. This system is more complete. More information on here. Attention, you must update your config.yml file in the price section to have access to the new format.
  • Added the ability to use comma numbers to use the price multiplicator. You can now do /ah sell 10.5k
  • Fix open inventory after purchase with zMenu
  • Fix jar loading
  • Adding a limit by type of savings (@imtorisa)
  • Added cache for category list
  • Fix disable world with zMenu

    - economy: item_diamond
      max: 64
      min: 1

# Cache in milliseconds for categories, by default there is a 2 minute cache on the list of items.
# The cache will be automatically updated when an item is removed or added to the sale.
cacheDurationCategory: 120000
  • Fixed folia support with tcoded foliaLib
  • Change the default configuration for sql script, added prefix
  • The latest version has been downloaded
Added support for zMenu. zMenu is an inventory management plugin with a very powerful API. For weeks or months, you'll be forced to use zMenu.

This first update adds support for zMenu only. To activate it, you need to go to the config.json file and set the value to .

After that, you need to run the command that converts your classic configuration to a configuration for zMenu. You'll notice that this configuration is shorter, more optimized. Indeed, zMenu will provide you with a lot of options.

All you have to do is run the /ah reload command.

I advise you to do this only on your test server and send me your feedback!

You can download it here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/maxlego08.276655/

This update also contains some optimizations in the code. USE_ZMENU_INVENTORYtrue/ah convert zmenu
Added support for folia, in case of an error please contact me
  • Fixed various default messages to indicate additional information.
  • Fixed message loading, some messages were loaded incorrectly.