The score particles command now supports all RGB colors, use the RGB int value. (You can use this site and take the RGB int Calculator value)
/score particles shape:meguminExplosion color:8126260 size:5
Fixed particle color issue for custom arrow projectiles (if you installed particles and can't see them, make sure you have spigot updated, the issue has just been fixed by them!)
New configuration setting specific to the JetMinions plugin: jetMinionsGenerateBreakActivator: false/true
If set to true, when a block is destroyed by a minion, an event will be generated that simulates the destruction of the block by the owner of the minion. (thus the destruction activators are triggered).
New vanilla command outputs blacklisted in the silenceOutput function
For ExecutableItems
Added the ability to edit NBT tags in the editor (only boolean, string, integer, double)