Welcome to Minecraft Forums!

Minecraft Forums is dedicated to all things Minecraft - whether you want to showcase your creations, find players, or simply seek help, everyone is welcome.


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Rule 1: Be polite
  • Why can't I use the words "gay", "retarded", or "autistic"?
    Check out this article to learn why "the R word" is derogatory: https://www.specialolympics.org/stories/impact/why-the-r-word-is-the-r-slur.
  • Why can't I use these words, even though I belong to the group they refer to?
    We cannot confirm your identity to other users and do not wish to do so. These words can harm people regardless of whether you have the right to use them.
  • Is it ever acceptable to use these words?
    You can use words like 'gay' and 'autistic' objectively and factually, if it is relevant to the topic and is not used against the person mentioned. Words that are used only as slurs today, such as 'retarded', are not allowed.
  • Do I not have freedom of speech?
    Maybe, but that does not apply here. Freedom of speech means that the government cannot take action against you because of your opinions. It does not mean that anyone has to listen to them, acknowledge them, or give them a platform.
Rule 2: Stick to the subject at hand
  • Why did you delete my post for not being related? It resembled the subject.
    If you need to describe it in a title or caption, it is not connected enough. We receive many posts with Minecraft look-alike content, so it is likely your submission has already been posted before.
  • We appreciate that our community members have different interests and opinions.
    If you want to discuss a different subject, we suggest creating a new post in the appropriate category, so that other members can better assist you.

Rule 3: Do not post chains of comments
  • What does "chain post" mean?
    A chain post means a text that refers to, explains, corrects, or updates a previous comment. It does not matter whether the previous comment came from the same or a different user.
    If you need to update your comment, create a new text post as a general recommendation. Reddit enables you to modify text post bodies. Moderators cannot attach comments to posts arbitrarily, so we cannot be of further help.
  • What is your definition of "submission spam"?
    Submission spam refers to a user creating multiple posts within a brief span of time. As a general guideline, refrain from making any more posts if you have submitted a post or thread within the last 12 hours.
  • My previous post was removed. Am I allowed to post it again?
    Do not repost your content after it has been removed unless you receive permission through our mods and admins beforehand.

Rule 4: Speak only English
  • Why is English language the only one allowed?
    English is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. Besides, most users and moderators share it as the only common language.
  • Is it not possible to post translations alongside your native language?
    Apart from running your post through translation software manually, we have no other way of authenticating the accuracy of your translations. Due to the large number of posts and comments, translation software cannot be used for daily moderation tasks.
  • What should I do if I am not fluent in English?
    If you can comprehend these rules, it is likely that others will understand your message. If it doesn't work for you, we request that you find a Minecraft community in a language that you are more familiar with.
  • Is this considered racist?
    Everyone around the world can speak English, and languages are not race-specific. Allowing non-English posts or comments is not possible as we cannot moderate them properly; hence it will affect the proper functioning of our website.
  • Doesn't Mandarin outnumber English in terms of speakers?
    In reality, it's a very close competition. While Mandarin has more native speakers than English, when including non-native speakers, English is slightly more spoken.
    English accounts for 60% of content on the internet, followed by Russian at only 8.5%. Moreover, this website was created as a community that uses the English language, hence why it is used here.
Other additional rules
  • What is the problem with shorter links?
    Shorter links hide the destination and cause unnecessary redirection. Shorter links can be used maliciously, such as leading to unexpected redirect to websites containing malware, or sites pretending to be official Minecraft Forums site, or sites that access the visitor's IP address.
  • But they can make a link easier to remember.
    However, this is only useful if the link is proven to be valid. Additionally, the risk of unnecessary redirection and possible misuse is still present.
  • I have, in fact, seen some shortened links. What is permitted?
    We permit the use of certain "in-house" links such as YouTube's "youtu.be", Microsoft's "aka.ms" . These links are provided by relatively trustworthy sources, and the users have an idea of the general area of the internet where these links would direct them. Twitter's shortened URL "t.co" is a good example of links that are not acceptable because they can potentially redirect to any site.
  • Why was my website link rejected? I copied it directly from a Google search.
    Google search and several other search engines do not directly provide a link to the target website. Instead, they often provide a redirect link to confirm outgoing traffic or even host a copy of the website themselves to enhance performance. Google AMP is often used on mobile devices.
    Make sure to visit the correct website and copy the link from the browser's address bar.
  • Can't I use all capital letters in my headline? I'm angry and need to express my feelings!
    Using all capital letters makes it look like you are shouting and it's considered impolite. Please use capital letters in the same way as everyone else. Also, do not use special versions of letters like upside-down or fancy Unicode letters.
  • Why do people criticize me for using emojis?
    Some individuals are old-fashioned or indoctrinated by specific memes. Nowadays, using a reasonable amount of emojis is acceptable, but do not use too many.
  • What should I do if I want to post a giveaway?
    Firstly, ask our admins for permission and we will be happy to assist you.
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