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Interactions | Create Complex Conversations with NPCs

VIP Interactions | Create Complex Conversations with NPCs 2.4.1

  • Author Kritz
  • Creation date
  • You have reached your maxium allowed downloads limit.
-Added compatibility with 1.20.5/1.20.6 (Tested with the latest version of Citizens and works correctly. ProtocolLib has not yet been released for 1.20.6, so keep that in mind!!!)
-Added default values configuration for conversation entities, conversation, dialogues and options.

Remember to check the WIKI!
  • -Added an abort feature to the edit inventory.
  • -Fixed an important console bug with the send_back_hidden_chat option on the latest versions of ProtocolLib/Paper.
  • -Fixed an issue with the interrupt_actions option when a player leaves the server.
  • - Fixed an issue that caused written dialogues to be continuously sent after a conversation ended.
  • - Fixed a console bug in the verification system.