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⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️

💠Leak💠 ⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️ 2.5.0-SE-V1

  • Author Kritz
  • Creation date
  • You have reached your maxium allowed downloads limit.
Error Corrections:

Fixed an issue with right/left click events
Fixed issue with console log filter not working properly for MRPremiumAddons
New Features:

Added new /races toggle command
Added new command /races toggleplayer
Added new command /races reset
Permissions will be located on korbsti.com in the permissions section (Mythical Races Premium Permissions)
Added two new sections for Mythical Races checkers, you can check them out with videos and their purpose on the website
Added new commands to the autocomplete tab event
Correctly added commands and their descriptions to plugin.yml
The placeholder API is now recommended to be installed with the plugin as a hard dependency

Configuration changes:
All race potion effects have been moved to the MRPremiumAddons configuration
The style for the race history has been changed
All materials have been replaced with enchanted books
Added new commands to /races help
It is highly recommended to reset the MRPremiumAddons and Mythical Races configurations as many things have been changed for the default races, if you don't have default races, do the following
Please add the following to "config.yml" for the base configuration of Mythical Races if you choose not to do a configuration reset

resetPlayer: "&aReset {player}'s race, quests, class, force race modifier, level and xp, and cooldown"

toggleAbility: "&2Potion effects and abilities have been toggled to &4&l{toggle}&2!"

toggleAbilityOther: "&2Potion effects and abilities have been toggled to &4&l{toggle}&2! for {player}"