SkywarsReloaded Extension | New PlayAgain Feature! | Kit Menu Editor | NPCs | 1.8x-1.20x

💠Leak💠 SkywarsReloaded Extension | New PlayAgain Feature! | Kit Menu Editor | NPCs | 1.8x-1.20x [1.7.11 BETA]

Minecraft Versions
1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20
Languages Supported
All messages are configurable in the config.yml

SkyWarsReloaded Extension

The official extension/addon for the popular SkyWarsReloaded plugin!
Check this plugin out on MyGCNT!

We are currently working on a complete rewrite of the SkyWarsReloaded plugin, and the Extension to get rid of all bugs and implement cool new features. Join our Discord to follow the journey along.

Yes, this plugin was free, but we're trying to sell it for a low-tier price to make the time we spend on this project (including SkyWarsReloaded) somewhat more valuable. The money you spend on this project will also contribute to the work we put into the free, updated version of SkyWarsReloaded.
We will continue to keep the source code on GitHub, so knock yourself out and compile it yourself, but please consider supporting us with as little as €3. We'll promise you that some cool things are coming in the future to get you the best Skywars experience possible.

Things on our planning

- MySQL support for AutoVote and PlayAgain
- A lot more PAPI placeholders
- Kit buying menu
- More...

This plugin adds some cool join features for SkywarsReloaded.
For SkywarsReloaded tutorials, check our site:
We are an official supporter of SkywarsReloaded!

Make sure to install the updated version of SkywarsReloaded instead of the official one!
The UPDATED SkywarsReloaded plugin is required in order to let this plugin work. Make sure to download and install it. For more information about installing that plugin, go here:


  • A super fancy in-game kit creator/editor menu!
  • AutoJoin/PlayAgain feature for automatically joining new games.
    • Supports Skywars parties
    • Auto mode (1 hour)
    • One-time rejoin
    • /autojoin OR /playagain
  • Lobbyboard interval updater.
  • A new '/swkit delete' command
  • A new '/swkit edit' command
  • A new '/swkit list' command
  • A new '/swkit create' command
  • Specific arena join using a command
  • Overrides join item actions of the SkywarsReloaded plugin
  • NPCs (depends on Citizens)
  • NPC creation command
  • Random solo join
  • Random team join
  • Random join
  • Import any world using a command
  • Rename an arena using a command
  • Automatically legacy loads when importing
  • Open the join menu using '/sw join'
  • Creator and DisplayName setter command for maps are supporting spaces
  • A '/leave' command to easily leave a game
  • A '/sw send' command to send players to a game
  • Player option selection command '/sw select'
  • Automatically select game options from the previous game
  • AdditionsPlus Events integration (requires v2.7.0 or higher!)
  • PaperSpigot Support
  • Citizens NPC integration

Commands And Permissions

/sw join[/B] [I]sw.join[/I] - Allows you to open the join menu/join a random game/send a message.
/sw join [arena] [/B][I]sw.join.arena [/I]- Allows you to join a specific arena.
/sw join solo [/B][I]sw.join.solo [/I]- Lets you join a random solo arena.
/sw join team [/B][I] [/I]- Lets you join a random team arena.
/sw select [type] [selected] [/B][I] [/I]- Lets you select a specific player option. In this command is [type] the option type (such as glasscolor) and [selected] the option you want to select.
/sw send [player] [arena] sw.send - Sends other players to a game.
/sw createnpc [action] - Creates a NPC using Citizens. The action could be either RANDOM_JOIN, RANDOM_SOLO_JOIN, RANDOM_TEAM_JOIN, OPEN_MENU or OPEN_CUSTOM_MENU

/swm import [world] [/B][I] [/I]- Lets you import a world into Skywars as an arena. It does the legacy load itself, so do not use the legacy load command again.
/swm creator [map] [creator] - Lets you set the creator of the map. This overrides the actual command. This one allows you to use spaces in the creator's name.
/swm name [map] [name] [/B][I] [/I]- Lets you set the display name of the map. This overrides the actual command. This one allows you to use spaces in the display name.
/swm rename [map] [new mapname] [/B][I] [/I]- Lets you completely rename an arena, including world and other files' names.

/swkit create [name][/B] [I]sw.kit.create[/I] - Lets you create a new kit with the fancy new kit editor menu.
/swkit edit [name][/B][I] sw.kit.edit[/I] - Lets you edit a kit with the fancy new kit editor menu.
/swkit delete [name][/B][I] sw.kit.delete[/I] - Lets you remove a kit.
/swkit list[/B] [I]sw.kit.list [/I]- Shows a menu with a list of existing kits. Clicking an item in the menu will open the fancy new kit editor menu.

/playagain now [/B][I][/I] - Lets you instantly join a new game (only possible when a game has ended to prevent ragequit).
/playagain auto[/B] [I] [/I]- Lets you automatically join a new game within 5 seconds after you die/game ends. Expires in one hour.
/playagain cancel[/B] [I]sw.autojoin.cancel[/I] - Lets you cancel your auto PlayAgain if enabled.

/leave [/B][I]sw.quit[/I]- Lets you quit/leave an arena/

You can disable the auto-vote feature in the configuration file.
Permissions for auto-selecting the following options:

  • sw.autovote.chest : Chest voting
  • : Health voting
  • sw.autovote.time : Time voting
  • : Weather voting
  • sw.autovote.modifier : Modifier voting
  • sw.autovote.kit : Kit selecting







How to import arenas?

Learn how to turn an existing world into a custom Skywars world using the SkywarsReloaded Extension!


[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]joined_arena: '&aYou joined the arena: %name%'
cannot_join: '&cYou can''t join this game right now'
invalid_arena: '&cThere is no arena with that name'
no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this'
too_many_join_arguments: '&cYou gave too many arguments. Use /sw join [arena]'
solo_join: '&7Joining a solo arena...'
team_join: '&7Joining a team arena...'
join_random_arena: '&7Joining a random arena...'
no_solo_arenas: '&cWe couldn''t find any free solo arenas'
no_team_arenas: '&cWe couldn''t find any free team arenas'
no_arenas_found: '&cWe couldn''t find any free arenas'
not_ingame: '&cYou must be in a game to do this'
left_game: '&cYou left your game'

must_specify_world: '&cYou must specify a world to import. Make sure this isn''t an arena already'
invalid_world: '&cThere is no world with that name'
arena_already_exists: '&cThere already is a map with that name'
import_starting: '&7Starting importing map %map%...'
import_succeeded: '&aImport for map %map% succeeded'
start_legacy_load_delay: '&7Starting legacy load in 5 seconds...'
start_legacy_load_now: '&7Now starting legacy load...'
chests_registered: '&aRegistered %amount% new chests'
no_chests_found: '&cCouldn''t find any new chests'
spawns_registered: '&aRegistered %amount% player spawns'
no_spawns_found: '&cCouldn''t find any player spawns. Make sure to add at least 2 spawns before registering the map.'
import_done_note: '&7Make sure to save and register the map once you''ve done everything you want!'
import_error: '&cSomething went wrong whilst importing the map'
too_many_import_arguments: '&cYou gave too many arguments. Use /sw import [world]'

display_name_set: '&aThe display name of the map %map% has been set to ''%name%&a'''
too_few_display_name_arguments: '&cYou gave too few arguments. Use /swm name [map] [name]'
creator_set: '&aThe creator of the map %map% has been set to ''%creator%'''
too_few_creator_arguments: '&cYou gave too few arguments. Use /swm creator [map] [creator]'

send_incorrect_usage: '&cYou gave too few arguments. Use /sw send [player] [game]'
invalid_player: '&cThere is no player with that name'
send_arena: '&aYou sent %player% to the map %name%'
cannot_join_other: '&c%player% cannot join this game right now'
already_ingame_other: '&c%player% is already in a game'
already_ingame: '&cYou are already in a game.'

select_cosmetic_successful: '&aYour %type% has been set to ''%name%&a'''
select_cosmetic_not_found: '&cThere is no %type% with that name'
select_cosmetic_invalid_type: '&cInvalid type! Choose between: winsound, killsound, glasscolor, taunt, particle, projectile'
select_cosmetic_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage. Use: /sw select [type] [selected]'
select_cosmetic_not_allowed: '&cYou are not allowed to select this %type%'

autovotes_applied: '&aYour previous votes have automatically been selected!'

no_arena_specified_message: '&cYou must give more arguments. Use /sw join [arena]'
game_must_be_offline: '&cThe target game must be OFFLINE, you will have to unregister it using &o/swm unregister'

renamed_arena: '&aYou renamed the arena to %arena%. &c&lYou have to reload Skywars using ''/sw reload'' to register the new map'
too_few_rename_arguments: '&cYou gave too few arguments. Use /swm rename [map] [new-name]'

cagetype_set: '&aYou successfully set the cage type of arena %map% to %type%'
invalid_cagetype: '&cThere is no cage type with that name. Select one from below:'
kit_preview_give: '&aThe preview of kit &b%kit%&a has been added to your inventory.'

  searching_game: '&e&lFinding you a new game within 5 seconds! Hold on.'
  something_wrong: '&cSomething went wrong with finding you a game :/'
  no_arena_party: '&cWe couldn''t find an arena to fit you and your party members in.'
  no_arena_single: '&cWe couldn''t find an arena to fit you in.'
  waiting_party: '&cWaiting for your party members to finsih their game before rejoining...'
  game_found: '&aFound a new game! Teleporting you...'
  canceled: '&cAuto join has been canceled.'
  cannot_use_now: '&cYou cannot use AutoJoin right now. Try again later.'
  must_be_leader: '&cYou must be the party leader to do this.'
  not_enabled: '&cYou don''t have AutoJoin enabled!'

no_arena_specified_action: OPEN_JOIN_MENU
override_item_join_actions: true
enable_autoselect_game_options: true
enable_autoselect_kit: true
lobbyboard_update_interval: 20

AdditionsPlus Events

You need to have AdditionsPlus installed in order to make these events work.

Description: Thrown when a player dies in a game.
- %cause% : returns the cause of death.
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %alive% : returns the amount of alive (ingame) players.

Description: Thrown when a player joins a new game.
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %alive% : returns the amount of alive (ingame) players.

Description: Thrown when someone kills a player ingame.
- %killed% : returns the name of the killed player.
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %alive% : returns the amount of alive (ingame) players.

Description: Thrown when a player leaves a game.
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %alive% : returns the amount of alive (ingame) players.

Description: Thrown when a player selects a kit ingame.
- %voted% : returns the name of the voted type
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %alive% : returns the amount of alive (ingame) players.

Description: Thrown when a player wins a game.
- %arena% : returns the name of the arena.
- %wins% : returns the number of wins the player has.

PAPI Placeholders

  • %swr_wins% returns the win amount of the player
  • %swr_losses% returns the losses amount of the player
  • %swr_kills% returns the kill amount of the player
  • %swr_deaths% returns the death amount of the player
  • %swr_xp% returns the amount of XP of the player
  • %swr_games_played% returns the number of games played by the player
  • %swr_games% returns the number of games played by the player
  • %swr_kill_death% returns KILLS divided by DEATHS
  • %swr_win_loss% returns WINS divided by LOSSES
First release
Last update


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