Updated mount mechanic to use the latest MM API version
Fixed state machine not removing animations when they are lerping out
Fixed animations sometimes not stopped
Fixed animations chugging due to culling lag
Fixed model invisible if removed and added immediately
Fixed player model shader
Fixed animation not imported as lowercase
Fixed error when .data folder is missing while the server is already running
Fixed animation interpolated incorrectly
Fixed animation not playing correctly if rapidly added and removed (affects disguises more)
Fixed super hyper SSR 6* rare case of entity being invalid when first spawned Issue 44
Fixed Citizens saving
Fixed player being invisible when rejoining server after disguise in the same server session (server has not restarted) Issue 103
Fixed potion effects not applied to disguised players Issue 104
Fixed compatibility enabling when the depended plugin has disabled itself
Fixed whitespaces in model saved data would cause loading error
Fixed WorldGuard getName() NPE (because WorldGuard just can't be bothered to fix it, and IT'S NOT MY FAULT THEY USED NULLABLE METHODS WITHOUT NULL CHECKS)
[MM] Fixed ModelPart targeter using the wrong scale to scale the location
[MM] Fixed MM mechanics not recognized if using namespace and mechanic alias (e.g. meg:ModelSkin)