
💠Leak💠 AutoComposter 3.7.1

Minecraft Versions
1.16.+, 1.17.+, 1.18+, 1.19.+, 1.20.+
Gives Composters a reason to exist!

Does anyone actually use composters? Well, from now on, they are finally useful!


Main Features

  • Use composters to automatically fertilize your crops!
  • Composters can force-grow nearby crops or let them grow naturally
  • You can shift-rightclick composters with seeds to plant all of them at once
  • Create custom crafting recipes for special composters, or let all composters be AutoComposters
  • Change what items are compostable and their success percentage

Highly configurable
Every behaviour can be controlled through the configuration file.

The configuration file is automatically generated if it does not exist. On every new update, the config file will be upgraded to include the newest options. Your changes will be kept.

# written by mfnalex / JEFF Media GbR

##### Permissions & Commands #####

# /autocomposter reload:                 Reloads the config file
#                                        Permission: autocomposter.reload
# /autocomposter give [player] [amount]: Gives autocomposter items to a player
#                                        Permission: autocomposter.give

##### General settings #####

# Chance per crop to be fertilized.
# When set to 1, all crops inside the radius attempt to grow
# When set to 0.5, each crop has a 50% chance to grow
chance: 1

# When true, each grow attempt will behave like when the player
# used bonemeal, meaning the plant grows by 2-5 stages.
# A successful grow attempt will also show particles and
# play the bonemeal sound.
# When false, see "grow-by-min" and "grow-by-max" options below.
mimic-bonemeal: true

# When "mimic-bonemeal" is false, you can define a range of stages
# that will be randomly chosen for each grow attempt.
grow-by-min: 1
grow-by-max: 3

# Chance per fertilizing attempt to reduce the compost amount by 1.
# When set to 1, every fertilizing attempt reduces the compost amount.
# When set to 0.5, every fertilizing attempt has a 50% chance to
# reduce the compost amount.
compost-consume-chance: 1

# When true, composters still consume compost even when no crops
# to grow are nearby.
composters-are-wasteful: false

# When set to false, you can no longer use composters to harvest bonemeal
composters-create-bonemeal: true

# Interval in seconds between each fertilizing attempt
min-interval: 20
max-interval: 40

# When true, you can sneak + rightclick composters with seeds to autoplant the seeds
# on nearby farmland
autoplant: true

# Radius in which the composters fertilize crops
# Cannot be set higher than 5 for y and 10 for xz
radius-xz: 4
radius-y: 1

##### Crafting recipe  #####

# When true, only composters created by a special crafting recipe
# behave like AutoComposters.
# When false, all composters behave like AutoComposters.
composter-requires-special-crafting-recipe: true

# Name of the special composter item
item-name: "Auto Composter"

# When you are using a custom resource pack, you can assign a special
# texture for the special composter item.
item-modeldata: 0

# When true, the custom composter item glows like an enchanted item
item-glow: true

# You can disable the crafting recipe if you want AutoComposter to be
# only obtainable with the command /autocomposter give [player] [amount]
# If you set this to false, be sure to also set "composter-requires-special-crafting-recipe" to true.
enable-crafting: true

# Define the shape of the recipe here.
# See example-recipes.html for examples.
 - "R"
  - "C"

# Define the ingredients of the recipe here.
# See example-recipes.html for examples.

# When true, AutoComposter will send the recipe to all players on join.
# When false, players have to discover the recipe themselves
auto-discover-recipe: false

# When true, an AutoComposter will drop if one is broken
# When false, a normal composter will drop instead
drop-autocomposters: true

#####    Particles     #####

# When true, all composters (or, when needing the special crafting
# recipe, only AutoComposters) will show particles
composter-particles-enabled: true
composter-particles-type: villager_happy
composter-particles-count: 5

#####  Update Checker  #####

# Should we check for updates?
# When enabled, a message is printed in the console if a new version has
# been found, and OPs will be notified when they join the server.
# When set to true, we will check for updates on startup and every X hours
# When set to on-startup, we will only check on startup
# When set to false, don't check for updates
check-for-updates: true

# When check-for-updates is true, ComposterReloaded will check every X hours
check-interval: 4

##### Done! #####

# Do not change!
config-version: ${config.version}
plugin-version: ${project.version}

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Latest updates

  1. 3.7.1

    [!] Fixed both regular composter and auto composter dropping when the option drop-autocomposters...
  2. 3.6.2

    [+] Added support for 1.20.4

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