- Minecraft Versions
- 1.16.+, 1.17.+, 1.18+, 1.19.+, 1.20.+
For the Custom Piglins Trades plugin to work, you need to install SCore
Custom Piglins Trades:
CustomPiglinsTrades allows you to customize the trades of all your piglins, starting with the materials needed for the trade and ending with the outcome of the trade.
As a result of the deal, you can run the command you want! Give a custom object, give an effect, start a particle animation, give a random object with a random amount, that's it!
Custom Piglins Trades plugin commands:
Create a new deal
Command: /cpt create {id}
Permission: cpt.cmd.create
Open Editor/Menu
Command: /cpt editor or /cpt show
Permission: cpt.cmd.editor or cpt.cmd.show
Reload the plugin
Command: /cpt reload
Permission: cpt.cmd.reload
Delete Deal
Command: /cpt delete {id}
Permission: cpt.cmd.create