- Minecraft Versions
- 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20
- Languages Supported
- All messages are configurable!
HyperStones is an extremely configurable item upgrade plugin that introduces special shards that can be used to upgrade weapons and armors inside the anvil.
The shards are dropped with a configurable chance by mobs or by mined blocks. Inserting a weapon/armor and a shard inside an anvil you will be able to upgrade the item until a maximum level. Some upgrades are safe, others have a chance to fail, downgrade or destroy your item.
During a successful upgrade you have a chance of getting some shields,
that, if kept in your inventory during an upgrade, are going to prevent your item from breaking. Shields can also be configured also to be dropped by mobs or blocks (like the Shards).
Upgraded Armors will grant greater protection, and upgraded Weapons will grant greater damage.
Mobs and blocks can also drop LuckGems, which can increase the upgrade success chance by a certain percentage depending on the gem type.
HyperStones is compatible with: Vault, ItemsAdder, Oraxen.
/hs help - Show the plugin commands.
/hs info - Show the plugin infos.
/hs stats - Show the hand held item infos.
/hs toggleparticles - Toggle particles displaying while holding an upgraded item.
/hs setlevel [level] - Set the upgrade level of the hand held item.
/hs setdamage [damage] - Set the damage of the hand held item.
/hs giveshard [player] <amount> - Give shards to a player.
/hs giveshield [player] <amount> - Give shields to a player.
/hs giveluckitem [luckBoost] [player] <amount> - Give luck items with a certain luck boost to a player.
/hs reload - Reload the config and lang files.
(ALIAS: stones, stone, hyperstone, hyperstones, hypershard, hypershards)
hyperstones.* - Give access to every command.
hyperstones.use - Give access to upgrade items.
hyperstones.help - Give access to the plugin command list.
hyperstones.info - Give access to the plugin infos.
hyperstones.stats - Give access to display infos of the hand held item.
hyperstones.toggleparticles - Allows to toggle particles displaying while holding an upgraded item.
hyperstones.specialattack - Allows a player to use the special attack (if enabled).
hyperstones.setlevel - Give access to set the upgrade level of the hand held item.
hyperstones.setdamage - Give access to set the damage of the hand held item.
hyperstones.giveshard - Give access to give shards to players.
hyperstones.giveshield - Give access to give shields to players.
hyperstones.giveluckitem - Give access to give luck items to players.
hyperstones.reload - Give access to reload the plugin config file.
hyperstones.tabcompletion - Give access to tab completion while typing commands.
name: '&3&nHyperShard'
- "&3&l* &7Use this inside an anvil"
- "&7with a weapon or an armor"
- "&7to upgrade it."
glow: true
min-drop-amount: 1
max-drop-amount: 4
name: '&e&nHyperShield'
- "&e&l* &7Keep this in your"
- "&7inventory while upgrading"
- "&7to prevent breaking the item."
item-type: PAPER
glow: true
min-drop-amount: 1
max-drop-amount: 2
name: '&a&nLuckGem'
- "&a&l* &7Keep this in your"
- "&7inventory while upgrading"
- "&7to increase the success chance."
- "&aLuck boost: {luck_boost}%"
item-type: EMERALD
glow: true
min-drop-amount: 1
max-drop-amount: 2
min-luck-boost: 10 #%
max-luck-boost: 20 #%
- "&aSafe Upgrade"
# - "&dXp required: {xp_required}"
# - "&eMoney required: {money_required}"
enabled-chances-lore: true
- "&aSuccess chance: {success_chance}%"
- "&eFail chance: {fail_chance}%"
- "&cDowngrade chance: {downgrade_chance}%"
- "&4Break chance: {break_chance}%"
- "&dXp required: {xp_required}"
- "&eMoney required: ${money_required}"
- "&cUnsafe Upgrade"
# - "&dXp required: {xp_required}"
# - "&eMoney required: {money_required}"
- "&6Max Upgrade Level"
show-level-in-displayname: false
# This option can be set to: 'start' (same as 0), 'end' (dynamically calculated), raw number (ex. '0', '2' ...)
level-lore-line-index: end
level-displayname-pattern: '+{level}'
level-lore-line: '&b➥ HyperPower: +{level}'
damage-boost-lore-line: '&c➥ Damage: {damage}'
protection-addition-lore-line: '&6➥ Protection: +{protection}%'
# Hoes, Shovels and Pickaxes
safe-upgrade-until-level: 5
max-upgrade-level: 12
upgrade-announce-start-at-level: 8
# Swords, Axes, Bows, Crossbows and Trident
safe-upgrade-until-level: 5
max-upgrade-level: 12
upgrade-announce-start-at-level: 8
safe-upgrade-until-level: 5
max-upgrade-level: 12
upgrade-announce-start-at-level: 8
# Toggle broadcast message on upgrade
broadcast-on-upgrade: true
# NOTE: chances have to be expressed with decimal numbers (1 = 100%).
hypershields-on-upgrade-drop-chance: 0.02
# WARNING: in order to work correctly, the sum of the following upgrade chances must be 1.
upgrade-success: 0.6
upgrade-fail: 0.15
upgrade-fail-downgrade: 0.15
upgrade-fail-destroy: 0.1
# Per level chances will override the default-chances and bypass the "auto-chance-progression" if enabled
# NOTE: Do not specify any level if you want to use default-chances
upgrade-success: 0.6
upgrade-fail: 0.15
upgrade-fail-downgrade: 0.15
upgrade-fail-destroy: 0.1
upgrade-success: 0.6
upgrade-fail: 0.15
upgrade-fail-downgrade: 0.15
upgrade-fail-destroy: 0.1
enabled: false
# The "speed" with which the success chance decreases and the fail chance increases (i suggest to keep this value low)
# Note: set this to 0 to disable this feature
chance-progression: 0.3
# The minimum success chance reachable
minimum-success-chance: 0.05
# NOTE: boosts have to be expressed with decimal numbers (1 = 100%).
# Equation to get the total damage (same for defence): baseDmg + upgradeLvl * (baseDmg * boost)
# Swords, Axes, Hoes, Shovels and Pickaxes
dmg-percent-addition-per-level: 0.02
# Bows, Crossbows and Trident
dmg-percent-addition-per-level: 0.02
def-percent-addition-per-level: 0.02
# You can find all the block types here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# You can add as many blocks as you want, just follow the following layout:
# block_type:
# stones-drop-chance: [value from 0 to 1]
# shields-drop-chance: [value from 0 to 1]
# luckitem-drop-chance: [value from 0 to 1]
# NOTE: USE blacklist.yml TO DISABLE QUICKLY BLOCKS FROM DROPPING ANY KIND OF ITEM (stones, shields and luck items)
# Disable drops for shards and shields if you are digging with an item enchanted with silk touch.
disable-silk-touch-drops: false
drop-only-on-survival-gamemode: true # i suggest to keep this true
# Default chances are active for each block not specified
default: # DO NOT delete the default section.
stones-drop-chance: 0.1
shields-drop-chance: 0.02
luckitem-drop-chance: 0.01
stones-drop-chance: 0 # value '0' means disabled drop
shields-drop-chance: 0
luckitem-drop-chance: 0
# You can find all the mob types here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
default: # DO NOT delete the default section.
stones-drop-chance: 0.15
shields-drop-chance: 0.07
luckitem-drop-chance: 0.01
stones-drop-chance: 0.2
shields-drop-chance: 0.1
luckitem-drop-chance: 0.5
xp-required: true
xp-required-for-safe-upgrades: false
min-xplvl-required-to-upgrade: 5
xplvl-increment-per-upgrade: 2
remove-xplvls-on-upgrade: false
anti-spam-not-enough-xp-msg: true
money-required: true
money-required-for-safe-upgrades: false
min-money-required-to-upgrade: 500
money-increment-per-upgrade: 1000
remove-money-on-upgrade: false
anti-spam-not-enough-money-msg: true
# You can find all the latest particle types here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# legacy particle types: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/particle-list-1-8-8/
####### LEGACY DEFAULT SETUP #######
# upgrade-success: FIREWORKSSPARK
# upgrade-fail: SMOKE
# upgrade-fail-downgrade: SMOKE
# upgrade-fail-destroy: SMOKE
# mob-drop-shard: WITCHMAGIC
# mob-drop-shield: WITCHMAGIC
# mob-drop-luckitem: WITCHMAGIC
# block-drop-shard: WITCHMAGIC
# block-drop-luckitem: WITCHMAGIC
# block-drop-shield: WITCHMAGIC
# charging-ability: WITCHMAGIC
upgrade-success: FIREWORKS_SPARK
upgrade-fail: SMOKE_NORMAL
upgrade-fail-downgrade: SMOKE_NORMAL
upgrade-fail-destroy: SMOKE_NORMAL
mob-drop-shard: SPELL_WITCH
mob-drop-shield: SPELL_WITCH
mob-drop-luckitem: SPELL_WITCH
block-drop-shard: SPELL_WITCH
block-drop-luckitem: SPELL_WITCH
block-drop-shield: SPELL_WITCH
charging-ability: SPELL_WITCH
# Particles which are displayed while holding an upgraded weapon
# >> Available particle shapes: CIRCLE, HALO, DNA <<
# If disabled any kind of particles (default and level-specific) is not going to work
global-enabled: true
# If particles should be spawned for each upgrade level keep this true
enabled: true
# The amount of particles will be (by default) the HyperLevel * Multiplier
multiplier: 2
max-particle-amount: 50
particle-shape: dna
# NOTE: level-specific particles will override default ones
# Here you can setup particle spawning for a certain upgrade level, using the following format:
# <upgradeLevel>:
# type: <particleType>
# amount: <particleAmount>
# particle-shape: <particleShape>
type: FLAME
amount: 20
particle-shape: dna
# You can find all the sound types here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
upgrade-success: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP
upgrade-fail: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
upgrade-fail-downgrade: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
upgrade-fail-destroy: ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF
upgrade-max-lvl-reached: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
not-enogh-xp-to-upgrade: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
not-enogh-money-to-upgrade: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
# A special attack that can be used while holding an upgraded weapon
enabled: true
upgrade-lvl-needed: 12
charging-time: 5 # seconds
cooldown-time: 600 # seconds
explosion: true
dash-forward: true
# Potion effect format: Effect#Level#Duration
- SPEED#2#30
enabled: true
range: 20
- SLOW#2#20
# Show blood particles when an upgraded item hits an entity
blood-on-upgraded-item-hit: true
# Hide default text inside item lore like: "When in main hand: ....", "Protection: ..."
hide-item-attributes-on-upgrade: false
# Items that cannot be upgraded.
# NOTE: by default all armors, swords, axes and bows are enabled.
- "example_item"
# Worlds in which hyperstones won't work.
- "world1"
- "world2"
# If you are using ItemsAdder plugin, you can make some custom items from that plugin upgradable
# by writing here their name.
- "ItemsAdderItem1"
- "ItemsAdderItem2"
Prefix: '&8[&b&oHyperStones&8] '
MsgUpgradeSuccess: '&7You upgraded your item to &bHyperPower +{upgrade_level}&7.'
MsgUpgradeFail: '&7The upgrade failed.'
MsgUpgradeFailDowngrade: '&7The upgrade failed and your item''s level has downgraded
to &bHyperPower +{upgrade_level}&7.'
MsgUpgradeFailDestroy: '&7The upgrade failed and your item was destroyed.'
BroadcastUpgradeSuccess: '&b{player}&7 has upgraded &b&n{item}&7 to &bHyperPower +{upgrade_level}&7.'
MsgNotEnoughXpToUpgrade: '&cYou can''t afford this upgrade, you must be level &e{required_level}&c.'
MsgNotEnoughMoneyToUpgrade: '&cYou can''t afford this upgrade, you must must have
MsgShieldPreventItemBreaking: '&7The upgrade failed but your item has been saved by
an {shield_name}&7!'
MsgOnGiveShards: '&7Given x{amount} {shard_name}&7 to &b{player}&7.'
MsgOnReceiveShards: '&7You received x{amount} {shard_name}&7 from &b{giver}&7.'
MsgOnGiveShields: '&7Given x{amount} {shield_name}&7 to &b{player}.'
MsgOnReceiveShields: '&7You received x{amount} {shield_name}&7 from &b{giver}&7.'
MsgOnDropShields: '&7You found x{amount} {shield_name}&7 while upgrading an item.'
MsgDisabledWorld: '&cHyperstones is disabled in this world ({world}).'
MsgNoPermission: '&cYou don''t have the permission to execute this command.'
Title: ''
Subtitle: '&bAbility charging: &f{time}'
Title: ''
Subtitle: '&bAbility charging: &ecanceled'